Public School Districts

Membership in MSBA benefits local boards of education and school districts in many ways. By working with MSBA, school boards have a major impact on education policy at the state and national levels. MSBA is a delegate-driven organization. The Delegate Assembly determines the positions MSBA takes on education issues. Members have access to legal and policy assistance, board training opportunities, the superintendent search service, major events such as our Annual Conference, and numerous cost-saving and revenue-enhancing programs.

Affiliate Membership

Charter Schools

Charter schools are eligible for Affiliate Membership. Affiliate membership provides charter schools with access to and participation in MSBA Certified Board Member (CBM) Essential training; individualized whole board workshops; MSBA Basic Policy Services; MSBA cost-saving programs, such as the Natural Gas Consortium, and BuyBoard bulk purchasing; and the MSBA Medicaid Consortium.

Colleges and Universities

Institutions of higher education are eligible for Affiliate Membership. MSBA believes a strong relationship with colleges and universities will encourage the development of programs and cooperative activities that are mutually beneficial and will further the development of strong educational opportunities for Missouri students.

Associate Membership

MSBA builds partnerships with organizations and businesses that share the mission of helping school boards ensure all students succeed. Visit the Business Connections page.


Please contact Gerry Lee at
573-208-7860, or